Élyse Caron-Beaudoin, PhD
Assistant Professor, Environmental Health
University of Toronto Scarborough
Unconventional natural gas and health
Unconventional natural gas operations typically involves the drilling of wells vertically and then horizontally in the natural gas reserve, and the injection of large volume of fracking fluid (water, sand and various chemicals) to fracture the rock formation, freeing the trapped natural gas. Northeastern British Columbia is an area of intensive unconventional natural gas exploitation by hydraulic fracturing. The region sits on an important source of natural gas, the Montney Formation. Approximately 35,000 wells have been drilled so far in Northeastern British Columbia. Information on the impacts of unconventional natural gas activity is limited, but recent literature highlighted the risk of environmental contamination. Some chemicals used or associated with this industry may contaminate the soil and water resources by accidental spills, leaks, or during the disposal of hydraulic fracturing fluids. It is also known that unconventional natural gas operations can release volatile organic compounds such as benzene, as well as trace elements naturally occurring in the rock formation. Many of these chemicals are known or suspected reproductive and development toxicants, carcinogens, endocrine disruptors, and respiratory irritants.
Communities and First Nations in Northeastern British Columbia raised concerns about the health effects associated with this industry. To answer the concerns of the communities, we have developed multiple research projects.
Gestational exposure to chemicals related to hydraulic fracturing and their endocrine disrupting potential in Northeastern British Columbia: the EXPERIVA study
EXPERIVA is a transdisciplinary project combining exposure assessment, toxicological and sociological approaches. As part of the study, 85 pregnant women living in Northeastern British Columbia were recruited in 2019. The participants provided urine, hair and nails samples. They also installed a passive air sampler in their residence, and we collected tap water samples.
The EXPERIVA study aims to:
1) Assess exposure to volatile organic compounds and trace elements in these 85 pregnant women
2) Assess the endocrine disruption of environmentally-relevant concentrations of volatile organic compounds and trace elements using cellular models of fetal development
3) Explore the associations between the density and proximity of unconventional oil and gas wells and exposure levels, and between exposure levels and birth outcomes
4) Explore the social inequities related to exposure to contaminants associated with unconventional oil and gas operations
Principal Investigators:
Marc-André Verner (Université de Montréal - School of Public Health)
Élyse Caron-Beaudoin (University of Toronto Scarborough)
Community partners:
West Moberly First Nations
Saulteau First Nations
Treaty 8 Tribal Association
Related publications:
Claustre L., Bouchard M., Gasparyan L., Bosson-Rieutort D., Owens-Beek, N., West Moberly First Nations Chief and Council, Caron-Beaudoin E., and Verner MA. (2023). Assessing gestational exposure to trace elements in an area of unconventional oil and gas activity: comparison with reference populations and evaluation of variability. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology. 33, 94-101.
Caron-Beaudoin, E., Whyte, K.P., Bouchard, M.F., Chevrier, J., Haddad, S., Copes, R., Frohlich, K.L., Dokkie, D., Juul, S., Bouchard, M. and Verner, M.A. (2022). Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in indoor air and tap water samples in residences of pregnant women living in an area of unconventional natural gas operations: Findings from the EXPERIVA study. Science of The Total Environment, 805, p.150242.
Associations between density and proximity of oil and gas wells and birth and maternal outcomes in Northeastern British Columbia
There is not a lot of information in the scientific literature regarding exposure to contaminants associated with unconventional oil and gas and the potential health impacts of that industry. However, the available toxicological data and existing epidemiological studies show that reproduction and fetal development might be affected. As part of our ongoing efforts to answer the legitimate concerns of healthcare providers and communities in Northeastern British Columbia regarding this industry, we investigated the associations between maternal residential proximity to oil and gas wells and birth and maternal outcomes using birth records data over a period of 10 years.
This is the first epidemiological study in Canada on unconventional oil and gas operations and health outcomes. We found potential associations with increased odds of preterm birth, reduced birthweight as well as maternal depression.
Principal Investigator:
Élyse Caron-Beaudoin (University of Toronto Scarborough)
Community partners:
Treaty 8 Tribal Association
Related publications:
​Aker, AM., Whitworth, K.W., Bosson-Rieutort, D., Wendling, G., Ibrahim, A., Verner, M.A., Benoit, A.C. and Caron-Beaudoin, E. (2022). Proximity and density of unconventional natural gas wells and mental illness and substance use among pregnant individuals: An exploratory study in Canada." International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 242: 113962.
Caron-Beaudoin, E., Whitworth, K. W., Bosson-Rieutort, D., Wendling, G., Liu, S., & Verner, M. A. (2020). Density and proximity to hydraulic fracturing wells and birth outcomes in Northeastern British Columbia, Canada. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology, 1-9.
Is there an association between exposure to unconventional natural gas development and exacerbations of asthma in Northeastern British Columbia?
Since the rapid expansion of unconventional natural gas operations, epidemiological research on human health effects has been playing "catch-up", with over 60% of peer-reviewed research published since 2014. A growing number of studies found associations between proximity to this industry and negative birth and pregnancy outcomes, self-reported health symptoms, childhood hematologic cancers, hospital admission, and respiratory illnesses including asthma exacerbations.
The goal of our study is to examine the association between exposure to unconventional natural gas activity and its related air pollutants, and asthma exacerbations among individuals with asthma living in Northeastern British Columbia: this will be a first in Canada. Once diagnosed, asthma exacerbations can be triggered by small changes in air quality. The specific objectives of our study are to 1) estimate exposure of the study cohort using surrogates of unconventional natural gas activity and modelled air pollutants concentrations; 2) test for association of unconventional natural gas activity and modelled air pollutants concentrations with asthma exacerbations. A secondary future objective will be to 3) assess whether First Nations status increases the risk of exposure and modifies these associations.
Principal Investigator:
Élyse Caron-Beaudoin (University of Toronto Scarborough)
Community partners:
Treaty 8 Tribal Association
Pilot study on gestational exposure to contaminants associated with hydraulic fracturing in Northeastern British Columbia
Related publications:
Caron-Beaudoin, É., Valter, N., Chevrier, J., Ayotte, P., Frohlich, K., & Verner, M. A. (2018). Gestational exposure to volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in Northeastern British Columbia, Canada: a pilot study. Environment International, 110, 131-138.
Caron-Beaudoin, É., Bouchard, M., Wendling, G., Barroso, A., Bouchard, M. F., Ayotte, P., ... & Verner, M. A. (2019). Urinary and hair concentrations of trace metals in pregnant women from Northeastern British Columbia, Canada: a pilot study. Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology, 29(5), 613-623.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
University of Toronto Data Science Institute
Connaught Fund
Fonds de recherche du Québec - santé (FRQS)
Rural Coordination Centre of British Columbia
The Lloyd Jones Collins Foundation
New Initiatives Grant: Université de Montréal Public Health Research Institute