Élyse Caron-Beaudoin, PhD
Assistant Professor, Environmental Health
University of Toronto Scarborough
“The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe about us, the less taste we shall have for destruction”
- Rachel Carson -

Siegel K., Bérubé R., Day M., Heldman S., Daley C., Murray B., Hecht R., Caron-Beaudoin E. and Kassotis C. Evidence for Reproductive Health Effects Following Exposures to Unconventional Oil and Gas Chemical Mixtures. In press in Reproduction.
Caron-Beaudoin E., Akpo H., Doyle-Waters MM., Ronald LA., Friesen M., Takaro T., Leven K., Meyer U. and McGregor M. The human health effects of unconventional oil and gas (UOG) chemical exposures: A systematic approach to the toxicological literature. (2024). In press in Reviews on Environmental Health.
Day M., Daley C., Wu Y., Pathmaraj M., Verner M-A. and Caron-Beaudoin E. Altered oxidative stress biomarkers in pregnant individuals exposed to oil and gas sites in Northeastern British Columbia. (2024). Toxicological Sciences. 201(1). 73-84.
Baalbaki G., Lim V., Gillet A., Verner M-A., Vaillancourt C., Caron-Beaudoin E. and Delbes G. (2024). Trace elements alone or in mixtures associated with unconventional natural gas exploitation affect rat fetal steroidogenesis and testicular development. Environmental Pollution. 357:124393.
Nero E., Caron-Beaudoin E., Aker AM., Gaudreau E., Ricard S., Ayotte P., Blanchette C. and Lemire M. (2024). Exposure to organophosphate esters among Inuit adults of Nunavik, Canada. Science of the Total Environment. 939:173563.
Doris M., Daley C., Zalzal J., Chesnaux R., Minet L., Kang M., Caron-Beaudoin E., MacLean H. and Hatzopoulou M. (2024). Modelling spatial & temporal variability of air pollution in an area of unconventional natural gas operations. Environmental Pollution. 348:123773.
Aker AM., Ronald L., Friesen M., Doyle-Waters M., Takaro T., Thickson W., Leven K., Meyer U. Caron-Beaudoin E. and McGregor M. (2024). The human health effects of unconventional oil and gas development (UOGD): A scoping review of epidemiologic studies. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 115(3):446-467.
Gasparyan L., Duc J., Claustre L., Bosson-Rieutort D., Bouchard M., Bouchard MF., Owens-Beek N., West Moberly First Nations Chief and Council, Caron-Beaudoin E. and Verner M-A. (2023). Density and proximity of oil and gas wells and concentrations of trace elements in urine, hair, nails and tap water samples from pregnant individuals living in Northeastern British Columbia. Environment International. 184:108398.
Aker AM., Ayotte P., Caron-Beaudoin E., Ricard S., Gaudreau E. and Lemire M. (2023). Cardiometabolic health and per and polyfluoroalkyl substances in an Inuit population. Environment International. 181:108283.
Caron-Beaudoin E., Subramanian A.* Daley C., Lakshmanan S. and W. Withworth K. (2023). Estimation of exposure to particulate matter in pregnant individuals living in an area of unconventional oil and gas operations: Findings from the EXPERIVA study. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Part A. 1-14.
Claustre L., Bouchard M., Gasparyan L., Bosson-Rieutort D., Owens-Beek, N., West Moberly First Nations Chief and Council, Caron-Beaudoin E., and Verner MA. (2023). Assessing gestational exposure to trace elements in an area of unconventional oil and gas activity: comparison with reference populations and evaluation of variability. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology. 33, 94-101.
Aker AM*., Ayotte P., Caron-Beaudoin E., De Silva A., Ricard S., and Lemire M. (2023). Plasma concentrations of perfluoroalkyl acids and their determinants in youth and adults from Nunavik, Canada. Chemosphere. 310, 136797.
Aker, A., Ayotte, P., Caron-Beaudoin, E., De Silva, A., Ricard, S., & Lemire, M. (2022). Associations between dietary profiles and perfluoroalkyl acids in Inuit youth and adults. Science of The Total Environment, 159557.
Aker, A., Ayotte, P., Caron-Beaudoin, E., De Silva, A., Ricard, S., Gaudreau, É., & Lemire, M. (2022). Plasma concentrations of perfluoroalkyl acids and their determinants in youth and adults from Nunavik, Canada. Chemosphere, 136797.
Aker, A., Caron-Beaudoin, E., Ayotte, P., Ricard, S., Gilbert, V., Avard, E. and Lemire, M. (2022). Non-persistent exposures from plasticizers or plastic constituents in remote Arctic communities: a case for further research. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology, 32(3), pp.400-407.
Aker, A.M., Whitworth, K.W., Bosson-Rieutort, D., Wendling, G., Ibrahim, A., Verner, M.A., Benoit, A.C. and Caron-Beaudoin, E. (2022). Proximity and density of unconventional natural gas wells and mental illness and substance use among pregnant individuals: An exploratory study in Canada. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 242, p.113962.
Caron-Beaudoin E., Blanchette C., Ayotte P., Aker A. and Lemire M. (2022). Exposure to benzene, toluene and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Nunavimmiut aged 16 years and over (Nunavik, Canada)–Qanuilirpitaa 2017 survey. Environmental Research. 112586
Dubeau, C., Aker, A., Caron-Beaudoin, E., Ayotte, P., Blanchette, C., McHugh, N.G.L. and Lemire, M. (2022). Perfluoroalkyl acid and bisphenol-A exposure via food sources in four First Nation communities in Quebec, Canada. Public Health Nutrition, pp.1-16.
Caron-Beaudoin E., Powys Whyte K., Bouchard MF., Chevrier J., Haddad S., Copes R., Frohlich KL., Dokkie D., Treaty 8 Tribal Association, Juul S., Bouchard M. and Verner MA (2021). Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in indoor air and tap water samples in residences of pregnant women living in an area of unconventional natural gas operations: Findings from the EXPERIVA study. Science of The Total Environment: 150242​
​Caron-Beaudoin, E., Ayotte, P., Blanchette, C., Muckle, G., Avard, E., Ricard, S., & Lemire, M. (2020). Perfluoroalkyl acids in pregnant women from Nunavik (Quebec, Canada): Trends in exposure and associations with country foods consumption. Environment International, 106169.
Caron-Beaudoin E., W. Whitworth K., Bosson-Rieutort D., Wendling G., Liu S. and Verner M-A. (2020). Density and proximity to hydraulic fracturing wells and birth outcomes in Northeastern British Columbia, Canada. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology, 1-9
Prichystalova R., Caron-Beaudoin E., Richardson L., Dirkx E., Amadou A., Zavodna T., Cihak R., Cogliano V., Hynes J., Pelland-St-Pierre L., Verner M-A., Van Tongeren M. and Ho V. (2020). An approach to classifying occupational exposures to endocrine disrupting chemicals by sex hormone function using an expert judgment process. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology, 1-16
Caron-Beaudoin E., Bouchard M., Wendling G., Barroso A., Bouchard MF., Ayotte P., Frohlich KL. and Verner M-A. (2019). Urinary and hair concentrations of trace metals in pregnant women from Northeastern British Columbia, Canada: a pilot study. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology. 29(5). 613-623
Caron-Beaudoin E., Ayotte P., Laouan Sidi E., Comminity of Lac Simon, Community of Winnenay – Long Point First Nation, CSSS Tshukuminu Kanani of Nutashkuan., Community of Unamen Shipu., Gros-Louis McHugh N. and Lemire M. (2019). Elevated exposure to Perfluorononanoic Acid (PFNA) and associations with Thyroid Hormones in Four First Nation Communities in Quebec. Environment International. 128. 13-23
Caron-Beaudoin E. and Armstrong, GD. (2019). Biomonitoring and Ethnobiology: Approaches to Fill Gaps in Indigenous Public and Environmental Health. Journal of Ethnobiology. 39(1): 50-64
Caron-Beaudoin E., Viau R. and Sanderson T. (2018). Effects of Neonicotinoid pesticides on promoter-specific aromatase (CYP19) expression in Hs578t breast cancer cells and the role of the VEGF pathway. Environmental Health Perspectives. 126(4)
Caron-Beaudoin E., Valter N., Chevrier J., Ayotte P., Frohlich KL., Verner M-A. (2017). Gestational exposure to volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in Northeastern British Columbia, Canada: A pilot study. Environment International. 110: 131-138
Caron-Beaudoin E., Hudon-Thibault A-A., Viau R., Vaillancourt C and Sanderson T. (2017). The use of a unique fetoplacental co-culturemodel as a screening tool for endocrine disruptors: the effects of neonicotinoids on aromatase activity and hormone production. Toxicology and applied pharmacology. 332: 15-24.
​Caron-Beaudoin E. and Sanderson T. (2016). Effects of Neonicotinoids on Promoter-Specific Expression and Activity of Aromatase: Implications for Hormone-Dependent Breast Cancer Development. Cancer Cell & Microenvironment. 3(2)
Caron-Beaudoin E., Denison M. and Sanderson T. (2015). Effects of neonicotinoids on promoter-specific expression and activity of aromatase in human adrenocortical carcinoma (H295R) and umbilical vein endothelial (HUVEC) cells. Toxicological Sciences. 149(1): 133-144
Caron-Beaudoin E., Gentes M-L, Patenaude-Monette M., Héli J-F., Giroux J-F. and Verreault J. (2013). Combined usage of stable isotopes and GPS-based telemetry to understand the feeding ecology of an omnivorous bird in a heterogeneous landscape. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 91(10): 689-697
Gentes M-L., Letcher R-J., Caron-Beaudoin E. and Verreault J. (2012). Novel flame retardants in urban-feeding ring-billed gulls from the St. Lawrence River. Environmental Science & Technology. 46(17): 9735-9744