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Principal Investigator

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Élyse Caron-Beaudoin, PhD

Assistant Professor in Environmental Health


Department of Health and Society

Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences 

University of Toronto Scarborough

Graduate cross-appointment - Dalla Lana School of Public Health

University of Toronto 


CIHR Postdoctoral fellow, Université de Montréal School of Public Health (2018-2020)

FRQS Postdoctoral fellow, Université de Montréal School of Public Health (2017-2018)

PhD in biology, INRS - Institut Armand-Frappier (2012-2017)

Current Graduate Students

Jannie Leung

PhD student in Environmental Science​


Jannie started her PhD in Environmental Science program at the Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences (University of Toronto Scarborough) in September 2023. During her PhD, Jannie will investigate the health impacts of exposure to different types of oil and gas development in Canada: unconventional natural gas development (UNGD) in British Columbia (BC) and abandoned conventional oil and gas wells (AOG) in Ontario.

Jannie holds a BSc in biology from the University of British Columbia, and an MSC in community health and epidemiology from the University of Saskatchewan. Jannie worked as an epidemiologist in various public health agencies across the country. Jannie currently holds a prestigious Ontario Graduate Scholarship.​


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Matthew Day​

PhD candidate in Environmental Science 


Matthew completed the MEnvSc program at the Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences (University of Toronto Scarborough) in September 2022. As part of this professional program, Matthew measured the levels of various oxidative stress biomarkers and antioxidant enzymes in the EXPERIVA cohort. His PhD project investigates how air pollutants, aeroallergens, and the air microbiome impact oxidative stress and inflammation pathways in asthma. To study this question, Matthew is developing a cellular co-culture model of the human airway and exposing the model to various air profiles along a latitudinal gradient in Canada.

Matthew holds a BSc in Life Sciences from Queen's University and a MEnvSc in Environmental Science from the University of Toronto Scarborough.

Coreen Daley​

PhD candidate in Environmental Science


Coreen started her PhD in Environmental Science program at the Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences (University of Toronto Scarborough) in September 2021. During her PhD, Coreen will use chemical transport models, phase-specific density and proximity metrics, environmental and biomonitoring data to estimate exposure to contaminants associated with unconventional natural gas exploitation in Northeastern British Columbia.

Coreen holds a MEnvSc in Environmental Science and a HBSc in Environment Health and Immunology from the University of Toronto Scarborough. 


Ghida Baalbaki

PhD candidate in biology (co-supervision)


Ghida started her PhD in biology at INRS - Institut Armand Frappier in January 2021, under the supervision of Géraldine Delbès, Cathy Vaillancourt and Élyse Caron-Beaudoin.  Ghida will research the endocrine disrupting effects of environmentally-relevant concentrations of contaminants associated with hydraulic fracturing on fetal development.

After a bachelor degree in “Life and Earth Sciences-Biochemistry” at Saint-Joseph University of Beyrouth, Ghida completed a 2 year Masters at the University of Paris, where she was specialized in ‘Cellular Biology, Physiology and Pathology: Reproduction and development’. In her first year, Ghida worked on the impact of freezing on the integrity of spermatic chromatin at the Reproductive biology laboratory at Poissy hospital. Then, Ghida did her second year internship at the Neurodevelopment laboratory at Robert Debré hospital to understand the synaptic role of a poorly characterized Golgi protein whose genetic deficiency causes a neurodevelopmental disease.

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